Adrian Miloş


“Let us set things right!”

Adrian Miloş Adrian Milos - lawyer has graduated a master’s program co-organized by the “Babeş-Bolyai University” – the Faculty of Law from Cluj-Napoca and by the “Jean Monnet University” from Saint-Etienne, France and holds a master’s degree in comparative private law.

He has taken advantage of every opportunity to deepen his knowledge and has attended a significant number of summer schools in Austria, Moldavia and Romania.

As such, he is familiar with the European law systems but also with the trends and practices in private law.

Adrian Miloş is a practicing attorney and offers legal advice in civil law, commercial law, administrative law and fiscal law.

His practice focuses in commercial law are international sale of goods, commercial arbitration and enforcement of EU regulations.

In administrative matters, his areas of expertise are public procurements.


– English

– French

– Romanian

Practice areas

– EU funds

– European enforcement titles

– Disputed notices of assessment

– International sale of goods

– Commercial arbitration

– Public procurement

– Abusive contract terms

– Foreclosure

– Damages

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